My New Years Resolutions

I'm writing about my new years resolutions and stuff I want to change in 2022.

First of all I wish you a happy new year! I hope you and your close ones are doing well.

To my subscribers: I would also like to thank you. For finding my content interesting enough to subscribe to my blog. Since I will publish different content in the future, I could understand if you no longer want to follow this blog/newsletter. However, I would of course be very happy to welcome you here in the future :)

I had started writing IT technical guides and about my experiences in IT at the beginning of 2021. Of course there is a lot to tell and especially to write about that topic, however I could only ever write about these very specific topics (many of them never left the draft status).

This is going to change as of today. Of course I want to be able to continue writing about IT topics, so I will do that on

During the still ongoing pandemic, things have changed in my mind. I have seen small businesses struggle to survive. I know nurses who clearly deserve more recognition than just our clapping. Businesses earning bigger profits and getting government subsidies, gave little back to those who kept things running as usual.

On the other hand, the pandemic ensured that companies had to rethink and act quickly. Digitization was driven forward massively on many fronts - of course in the interest of the companies survival.

Working from Home

Many people faced the new situation of having to work from home. For some, it was a challenge; for others, a welcome new work-life balance. According to studies, performance and productivity was increased by a lot. A summary of various studies and their sources can be found here.

The not mandatory way to work could now be filled with meaningful things. Some have upgraded their garden, others have been able to spend more time on their home projects, or now do a lot more sport than before.
The idea of starting something by my own has always burned inside me. I think the first time I tasted blood, was in 2015 with a gaming server project. It was an incredibly great feeling to follow my own ideas and to be able to inspire and motivate my team for these as well.

Everything you need to become a streamer.

After some time, it became quiet again. I had a new, naive dream and started livestreaming. But I had to realize that as an influencer/entertainer on social media platforms you leave everything to luck, chance and algorithm. The only way to grow is to always be online so no one misses your content - and of course hope for the algorithm. This is exactly the opposite of what I want to achieve in my life.

I want to leave less to chance or luck in the future. I want to have it in my own hands. I want to be the lever for success or failure and not make it dependent on a platform and its algorithm.

Lean Startup workshop - the winner gets it all!

So I've been reading more about entrepreneurship again since the beginning of 2020. I observe other entrepreneurs on their way to self-employment and refresh my business administration and economics knowledge. I am again following my desire for self-realization and self-determination.

For this reason I have changed the concept of my blog. I would like to write about the following things here:

  • Personal development
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing
  • Successes and failures
  • Progress of my projects

And to level up my English skills, I'm going to write all this in English.

This is a huge content switch, I know - but maybe you're pursuing similar ideas or interests. Or maybe I could inspire you with my postings/newsletters. In any case, I would be very happy to welcome you here!

Let's try to become better human beings than last year!