About me

Moin 👋

I'm pretty bad at introducing myself. But let me try nonetheless.

I'm @BenjaminRadan. I am tackling my challenges while documenting the process here. Mainly I cover entrepreneurship, marketing, and productivity on this blog.

I have 12 years of experience in system engineering and 4 years in project management. I'm experienced in economics and business administration as well.

I'm a German living in Germany 🇩🇪. But my goal is to live in Norway 🇳🇴 someday.

In my free time, I'm trying to improve people's lives.

I would consider myself to be among the more creative people. Working on personal projects gives me a feeling of creative freedom and self-fulfillment. Shortly, I began working on improving my productivity and self-organization, which have gone through the roof since I started!

You can reach me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Thank you for stopping by.

Recently published writings

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Why starting a Blog is a good Idea for Entrepreneurs
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